Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race

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1 day left for Best Pigeons auction! - 2024-09-28
Best Pigeons Auction The Best Pigeons Auction ends in 1 day, on Sunday 29th. Don’t miss out on obtaining some great birds which have proven themselves in a tough season! Here is the link - ..... read more
Final Race Report & Prize Money - 2024-08-05
RACE REPORT FINAL RACE The Final Race was held from Tods Hotel 539 km from the loft with liberation at 6.50 am on Friday 26th July. There was little wind at liberation which soon picked up to a cross wind of up to 12 km/hr..... read more
Important Announcement - 2024-07-27
To our valued participants,   In light of the difficult race and low returns, as per rule 6.4 we have decided to keep the race open until 19:00 on Sunday 28th. A reminder that any points earned for Super Ace, Grand Averages an..... read more

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Top 10 Results Season 2024

1 Bet-Right Lofts GB 23-Z-07808
2 Martin Hetzel DV 07387-23-2173
3 P H Lerm ZA23 FB 03031
4 Hash Family Loft AU23 HASH 52
5 Loft Einkamerer ZA23 EINKAMERER LOFTS 94
6 Little Caradoc Lofts ZW23 MRPF 8046
7 Alpdag Brothers & Ahmet Cavdar Team TR23 34-36452
8 PIPA Breeding and Combinatie Mantel BE 23-4203350
9 Korte Joe DV 08988-23-214
10 Kaidi Family Loft ESP ANDALUZA 23-103512
1 Little Caradoc Lofts ZW23 MRPF 8046
2 P H Lerm ZA23 FB 03031
3 Bet-Right Lofts GB 23-Z-07808
4 Marnes Nel ZA23 WPU 1349
5 PIPA Breeding and Combinatie Mantel BE 23-4203350
6 David and Deborah Demko IF23 RPC 857
7 Alpdag Brothers & Ahmet Cavdar Team TR23 34-36452
8 Aztec Loft AU23 AZTEC LOFT 880
9 Loft Einkamerer ZA23 EINKAMERER LOFTS 94
10 Korte Joe DV 08988-23-214
1 P H Lerm
2 Team Miha Sovic
3 Koopman Racing Pigeons
4 Jason Brown
5 Kaidi Family Loft
6 Marnes Nel
7 Hossam Galal
8 Korte Joe
9 Royalties Loft
10 Willie Munnik
Prize Value 2025

$1,166,000 USD Enter Now

SUMMARY Total Prizes
Final Race US$826,000 300
5 Hotspots US$250,000 250
Super Ace US$60,000 100
Grand Average US$18,000 30
Elite US$12,000 20
Knock Out Trophy 1
US$1,166,000 701
2025 Final Race Date

25th July 2025

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Trapping going well

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