Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race 2023 intake for 2024 Race Series

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. Entry and Activation
  2. Quarantine and Shipping
  3. Reserves and Eligible Birds
  4. Training and Racing
  5. Prize Money, Auctions and Pedigrees
  6. General


Team (previously called Squad) is 5 pigeons entered by a fancier with 1 activated pigeon and up to 4 reserve pigeons.

Activated pigeon (PAID /ACTIVE) is a pigeon for which the entry fee of US$ 600 has been paid.

Perch Fee is an administration and maintenance fee per pigeon of US$ 80 each, paid at shipping.

Reserve is a pigeon in a team which will take the place of an activated pigeon if it is not basketed for Hotspot 1, 2 or 3 (see section 3).

Elite Competition was previously called the Team Competition.

  1. Entry and Activation

1.1 Participants may enter one or more teams consisting of 1 activated pigeon and up to 4 reservepigeons per team (see entry & payment form). An entrant may enter less than 4 reserves in a team. The Race has the right to reject entries from individuals or syndicates without explanation.

1.2 The chosen name of participants as an individual or syndicate cannot be changed after the first Hotspot.

1.3 A minimum of 1 pigeon per team has to be activated upon entry at US$ 600. A perch fee of US$ 80 per pigeon must be paid for each team. Total is therefore US$ 1000 if a team of 5 birds is sent. The reserves in each team can be activated by paying US$ 600 for each. All payments must be made to Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race Ltd (see entry & payment form). Short payments will need to be topped up.

1.4 All activated pigeons before Hotspot 3 are automatically in the Super Ace competition, Grand Averages, Knockout, and up to 7 pigeons to be selected for Elite Competition. Replacements of lost birds by reserves will be up to the basketing of Hotspot 3.

1.5 Fanciers have the option to activate all remaining reserve pigeons for US$ 600 each before basketing of Hotspot 3. After that all unpaid reserves will be hidden and not available for activation by third parties in the Yearling Series. If not activated the fancier will lose all rights to the bird.

1.6 Pigeons lost BEFORE basketing of Hotspot 3 (approximately 240 km) will receive a maximum of US$ 600 credit for the portion paid for that activation. This is provided there is no reserve available to replace it, and provided that no prize money has been won for that activation. If a bird is activated from credits it cannot receive further credits. No creditswill be due for lost pigeons after basketing for Hotspot 3.

Credits can only be used towards future entries in the following race season. They are not redeemable or transferrable to other entrants.

The credit under this rule will expire after one race season and is not carried forward thereafter. Any credits for lost pigeons from a previous year will be applied to pigeons in the current year in order of the birds received, in other words the credits will be used up first. Perch fees per intake will be charged first and then the initial activations for that intake.

1.7 An entry of at least 1 pigeon per team plus all perch fees must be paid for when the birds are sent to the race. All invoiced amounts are due and payable. Payments must be net after bank charges. After an initial loft posting for each intake, pigeons will be hidden if any money is due on that fancier’s account, and only shown when the account is paid up. Participation in future editions will not be permitted if there is an outstanding amount on the account. If there is any amount not paid by a fancier by 31 December 2023 all the fanciers pigeons might be removed from the competition and they lose all rights to the pigeons.

  1. Quarantine and Shipping

2.1 Payment for pre-quarantine and shipping must be made by the entrant on admission to the pre-quarantine facility which will be co-ordinated by the designated agent. All pigeons must bevaccinated againstParamyxovirus at 21 to 24 days old.

2.2 There will be several scheduled intakes of pigeons for quarantine prior to shipping which must be organised through designated agents. Intakes by agents will be from July to mid November 2023. Please contact your agent for specific dates. The Race reserves the right to cancel later shipments if it is felt that the loft capacity will be exceeded.

2.3 During the period of quarantine and prior to any pigeons being shipped to Zimbabwe an entrant will have the opportunity to send replacement birds should any die or need replacing. Advice of the need to replace must come from your designated agent and onus of liaison about replacements rests with the entrant. No replacements can be shipped from abroad after the last scheduled intake organised by the respective agents.

2.4 For the 2023 year of intake all pigeons must bear seamless identification life rings issued by a recognised Racing Pigeon Organisation showing the number, year and particulars of the issuing organisation and must bear 2023 year rings.

  1. Reserves and Activated Birds

3.1 A full list of pigeons must be given to the agent and sent by email to when the pigeons are sent. The birds will be entered into teams randomly and the entrant can rearrange their teams in their logins up to 31 March 2024. Thereafter birds cannot be moved between teams, but an entrant has the option to change the order of their pigeons within a team up to 24 hours prior to the first Hotspot. Changes in the order of pigeons are not permitted after Hotspot 1.

3.2 Reserve pigeons only become activated pigeons if a further US$ 600 is paid for the selected reserve or automatically when an activated pigeon in the same team is not basketed for Hotspot 1, 2 or 3.

3.3 Any activated pigeon which is replaced by a reserve which is subsequently deemed fit enough to continue training and racing, in the absolute discretion of the race management, will continue as a reserve pigeon as the next in line. This pigeon can only re-enter as an activated pigeon if the fee of US$ 600 is paid or if it takes the place of the activated pigeon through the normal reserve replacement process. Other reserves can be activated by paying the US$ 600 fee.

3.4 Only activated pigeons qualify for prize money. The proof of any payment made to activate a pigeon must be emailed to prior to the basketing of Hotspot 1, 2 or 3 to qualify for that race and or the respective competitions. Any lesser period may be accepted by the Race at its sole discretion. Payments can be done through fancier logins.

3.5 Only pigeons that have been activated will be awarded prize money. If an un-activated pigeon is timed in a prize money position it will not count. Instead, the next activated pigeon in line will earn the prize.

3.6 Venture Racers and “For Sale Birds” are eligible to compete in all competitions once they are activated birds. All pigeons in the name of an entrant including reserves may enter bonus races.

3.7 Pigeons once entered in a team cannot be transferred to another team or entrant except in the case of Venture Racers which may be purchased by a third party as defined herein.

  1. Training and Racing

4.1The race management reserves the right to vary the training and race program which is only given as a guide, to cater for inclement or unfavourable weather conditions or for any other reason deemed necessary for the welfare of the birds or in the best interests of the events.

4.2 Training direction, frequency and distance is at the sole discretion of the Race. Training tosses may not necessarily be advertised unless they are live and online, counting towards averages.

4.3 Minimal interference of returning pigeons will be undertaken by trainers. Pigeons will not be permitted to sit out and will be encouraged to trap by calling in or herding from a distance.

4.4 All pigeons upon entry are given over to the Race for management and care during racing and training. Ownership of the pigeons excluding any breeding rights is vested with the Race for the duration of the training and racing programme. The rights to their portion of prize money, the net sale proceeds as defined herein as well as all breeding rights to the pigeon will belong to the activator of the bird. The method of care, training and racing will be at the sole discretion of the management team.

4.5 Loss of some pigeons during quarantine, training, and racing whether by hazardous conditions, sickness or injury is to be expected and although prudent management will be used to mitigate against losses VFWCPR Ltd, or its appointed agents will not be held responsible for any losses.

  1. Prize Money, Auctions and Pedigrees

5.1 In the event that not all prize positions are won then the unwon prizes will be split equally between the winning positions.

5.2 On conclusion of the race season some pigeons will be selected for sale and sold at the sole discretion of the Race. 50% of the net proceeds after sale costs will be paid to the activator of the pigeon. This will be paid after the purchase price has been paid by the buyer and when the pigeon has been delivered to the buyer. If something happens to a pigeon before delivery to the buyer, the sale of that pigeon will be cancelled, and the Race will not be held responsible for this. The sale on auction of the pigeons transfers the ownership rights as well as the breeding rights of the pigeon to the buyer thereof.

5.3 Entrants are encouraged to supply pedigrees showing a minimum of 2 generations to maximise the sale price of the birds. These pedigrees can be supplied with the birds to the agents, scanned and emailed to direct, or uploaded onto the website. If pigeons are supplied without a pedigree showing 2 generations there will be no pay out of sale proceeds to the activator. In this case activators will lose all rights to pigeons after the race. The deadline for the supply of pedigrees is 4 days after the Final Race and must include ring cards where applicable.

5.4 If a syndicate is registering pigeons for participation there must be one nominated individual or company for communication purposes and for receipt of prize money and after race sale proceeds. The Race will only take instructions from the appointed person about syndicate birds.

5.5 After the yearling race series is complete an entrant may elect to buy back their own pigeons for US$ 300 plus shipping and quarantine costs as per the below conditions. Pigeons not bought back will be entered in an Enduro Series, given away or sold.

The following conditions will apply:

5.5.1 Only pigeons not selected to go to any auction may be bought back.

5.5.2 Only the activator of the bird may buy it back. This right is not transferable. If there is an Enduro series the activator of the yearling series will have first option to activate for the Enduro series.

5.5.3 The cost of the bird plus shipping and quarantine costs must be paid before shipping.

5.5.4 Approximate costs can be given at the time of booking which must be done by email.

5.5.5 Shipping will only be done to destinations where we can legally, easily and safely transport pigeons. Buyers in other destinations must arrange with the respective shippers in these countries for onward shipping and pay any additional costs.

5.5.6 There will be no portion of the sale amount of US$ 300 due to the activator of the bird.

  1. General

6.1 No person involved in the racing or training of the pigeons or any of their immediate family members may participate in the race for prize money.

6.2 The pigeons entered into the final race, and the top 10 prize money winning pigeons will be verified by independent auditors.

6.3 The racing and training of pigeons prior to sending to Victoria Falls is not permitted. Many pre-raced pigeons get lost and often lead other pigeons astray resulting in some of them also getting lost. Pigeons could be checked, particularly prize winners. Proven offenders could face disqualification with no refund or prize pay-out.

6.4 For the purposes of all Hotspots and the Final, race time will close at 19:00 on the day after the 1st bird arrival or such other time that the Race may announce. For online training flights the flight will close at 10:00 on the day after the 1st bird arrival or such other time that may be decided by the race management.

6.5 Upon entry of birds to the race it is deemed that the entrant fully understands and agrees to the terms and conditions contained herein.

6.6 Any dispute that may arise after any race or the interpretation of these terms and conditions must be referred in the first instance to.

Managing Director,
Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race Ltd,
Suite 4, 2nd Floor,

The West Wing,

Montarik House,


GX11 1AA

If the dispute is not amicably resolved, then it will be referred to arbitration for settlement under the laws of Gibraltar. The cost of arbitration will be split equally between the parties.

6.7 In terms of law the English version of these terms and conditions will be used as the official version.

6.8 Force Majeure

In this Clause "Event of Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the Authority and the Operator, which prevents a Party from complying with any of its obligations under this Contract, including but not limited to:

6.8.1 act of God (such as, but not limited to, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, tidal waves, and floods).

6.8.2 war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, mobilisation, requisition, or embargo.

6.8.3 rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war.

6.8.4 riot, commotion, strikes, go slows, lock outs or disorder, unless solely restricted to employees of the Supplier or of his Sub-contractors: or

6.8.5 pandemics, widespread or localised disease outbreaks, restrictions of air traffic; or

6.8.6 acts or threats of terrorism; or

6.8.7 veterinary restrictions

In the event of Force Majeure being declared prior to the final race:

Entrants shall be given an option to be paid a full refund for any money paid to VFWCPR for the current season or to receive a credit for use in a later race programme.

Every reasonable effort will be made to safeguard the welfare of the pigeons and any actions taken by the Race will be at the sole discretion of management who cannot be held liable.

$1,250,000 USD Enter Now

SUMMARY Total Prizes
Final Race US$ 600,000 350
Super Ace US$ 300,000 100
6 Hotspot Races US$ 200,000 270
Grand Averages US$ 75,000 25
Elite Competition US$ 65,000 10
Knock-Out Competition US$ 10,000 1
Running Race
Distance: 539km
Liberation Point: TODS HOTEL
Release Time: 2024-07-26 06:50:00
Live Results | Live Stream | Basketing List
2024 Final Race Date

26th July 2024

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