Venture Racers Terms and Conditions 2024 Race Series

  1. Venture Race Birds (Venture Racers) are donated pigeons. These are for sale to anyone from an appointed date and time.
  2. The entry fee for Venture Racers is US$ 800 of which US$ 50 will be paid over to the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust. If activated before Hotspot 3 the pigeons will be in Super Ace, Grand Averages, Knockout and can be one of the 7 selected for Elite. After Hotspot 3 the birds will only be able to win prizes in the remaining Hotspots and Final.
  3. On conclusion of the race and upon sale of the Venture Racers 50% of the net proceeds after sales costs will go to the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust and other designated trusts or charities, 25% to the Activator of the pigeon and 25% to the Race. Breeders of Venture Racers will not receive any payment for those pigeons.
  4. If fanciers would like to donate pigeons towards this cause, they should send an email to the Race for prior approval as Venture Racers will be restricted. Any venture racers received without approval may not be accepted.
  5. If accepted by the race, the Venture Racers donated without invitation will be received without payment of an entrance fee, but all transport and quarantine costs must be covered by the donor and a perch fee of US$ 80 will be levied per bird. This will be debited to fanciers’ accounts, is non-refundable and goes towards administration and upkeep.
  6. The rights for Venture Racers will be offered for sale on the website to anyone wishing to pay the activation fee. This includes non-pigeon fanciers, other fanciers, or the donor/breeder. All rights will pass to the first person paying for the pigeon. No bookings will be taken, and payment will be done through the website.
  7. Once a Venture Racer becomes an activated pigeon, it will qualify in all respects as if it were a normal activated pigeon as defined herein.
  8. When an entrant selects a Venture Racer which is subsequently lost before Hotspot 3, they may select a replacement from for sale pigeons available. If there are no for sale pigeons available, then the entrant will be given a credit of US$ 600 as per section 1.6 of the General Terms and Conditions. Pigeons lost after basketing of Hotspot 3 will not receive a credit or replacements.

$1,250,000 USD Enter Now

SUMMARY Total Prizes
Final Race US$ 600,000 350
Super Ace US$ 300,000 100
6 Hotspot Races US$ 200,000 270
Grand Averages US$ 75,000 25
Elite Competition US$ 65,000 10
Knock-Out Competition US$ 10,000 1
Running Race
Distance: 539km
Liberation Point: TODS HOTEL
Release Time: 2024-07-26 06:50:00
Live Results | Live Stream | Basketing List
2024 Final Race Date

26th July 2024

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