
News -> Loft List

Loft List 2024-02-08

    The pigeons are doing well here in Victoria Falls and are in super health. Many are in heavy body moult and are confined under the nets at the moment not to hinder the moult.

    Please see the latest loft list here –

    Please let us know urgently if you notice any errors.

    Please be reminded that fanciers that owe any money, even if partial fees have been paid, will continue to have all their pigeons hidden. The only pigeons visible are from entrants who have paid perch fees and initial activations of 1 in every 5 pigeons.

    If you do not see your birds on the loft list they might be listed as “Awaiting Payment” until your account is up to date. Fanciers can see amounts owing in their login. Kindly let us know if you require assistance.


    Some videos of the birds during ring checks, feed time & trapping:

    Ring check of all the birds in the race loft to ensure they have been assigned correctly –

    Whistle training at feed time -

    Trapping going well -

    Geoff Armand welcomes special guest Frank McLaughlin -


    Flight of the Champions Podcast

    If you haven’t listened to our podcasts you can find them here -


    $1,250,000 USD Enter Now

    SUMMARY Total Prizes
    Final Race US$ 600,000 350
    Super Ace US$ 300,000 100
    6 Hotspot Races US$ 200,000 270
    Grand Averages US$ 75,000 25
    Elite Competition US$ 65,000 10
    Knock-Out Competition US$ 10,000 1
    Running Race
    Name: FINAL RACE
    Distance: 539km
    Liberation Point: TODS HOTEL
    Release Time: 2024-07-26 06:50:00
    Live Results | Live Stream | Basketing List
    2024 Final Race Date

    26th July 2024

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