
News -> Loft List

Loft List 2024-01-23

    Almost all of the pigeons for the 2024 season are now in the Race Loft and are on the current loft list –


    There are 340 pigeons still at our quarantine site which are not included on the loft list as they are waiting for veterinary clearance before they will be transferred to the Race Loft.


    The pigeons are in good health and great condition. Southern hemisphere pigeons will be starting their heavy body moult soon. The first training toss is planned for 2nd April with daily short tosses (6 days per week, weather permitting) building up to the first live training toss planned for 3rd May.


    We unfortunately have had an intake from South Africa stuck in quarantine in South Africa as a result of the spreading avian influenza in the Poultry Industry in that country. It is unlikely that we will be able to receive these pigeons. Further details will be communicated through the South African Agents.


    All pigeons currently in the race loft are listed on the loft list less those currently missing in orientation. We have experienced a high level of attacks by predatory birds in December and January and this has taken its toll on the pigeons over this period. It is not ideal when pigeons first go out and are chased by hawks because they panic and they are spread far and wide. Once the birds are stronger and wiser, they will cope better with the challenge they face from hawks.


    All the pigeons reflected on loft lists should be paid for now. Some of these birds which are from the previous loft list are marked as Awaiting Payment as the mandatory initial payment of 1 pigeon per team and the perch fee has not yet been received. If you have sent through your payment and it is not reflected, please contact us. Once payments have been credited to race accounts and there is no money outstanding the pigeons will be visible again.


    We wish to remind everyone of the procedure. When we do the initial loft list of pigeons that have completed quarantine, the entrance fees and perch fees are charged to the fanciers account for those birds and should be paid soon after that. When the next loft list is published it will show new birds and ones which have been paid only. If not paid, they will be hidden from view.


    Thank you to all fanciers who have sent in birds as well as the agents and shippers for their hard work in getting the birds to us!



    Videos of the birds;


    Early Morning In The Loft -


    Pigeons at Victoria Falls relaxing -


    Feed Time From Above -


    More birds out from under the nets -


    Good morning from Victoria Falls! -


    Taking samples at our quarantine site for testing to get clearance to move birds to the race loft -


    Feed Time Whistle Training -


    Baskets Baskets More Baskets -


    May 2024 be a great season! -


    $1,250,000 USD Enter Now

    SUMMARY Total Prizes
    Final Race US$ 600,000 350
    Super Ace US$ 300,000 100
    6 Hotspot Races US$ 200,000 270
    Grand Averages US$ 75,000 25
    Elite Competition US$ 65,000 10
    Knock-Out Competition US$ 10,000 1
    Running Race
    Name: FINAL RACE
    Distance: 539km
    Liberation Point: TODS HOTEL
    Release Time: 2024-07-26 06:50:00
    Live Results | Live Stream | Basketing List
    2024 Final Race Date

    26th July 2024

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